Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine

Retrieving the Called ID

If your telephony system uses a PBX that supports Dialed Number Information Service (DNIS), your application can use TAPI to retrieve the called ID associated with the current call. The called ID identifies the called party, and is usually a telephone number.

The following JScript example shows how to retrieve the called ID:

IIDCallInfo = "{350F85D1-1227-11D3-83D4-00C04FB6809F}";
IIDTapi = "{B1EFC382-9355-11d0-835C-00AA003CCABD}";
myDispMapper = new ActiveXObject("DispatchMapper.DispatchMapper.1");
myBasicCallControl = window.external.ITBasicCallControl;
myCallInfo = myDispMapper.QueryDispatchInterface(IIDCallInfo, myBasicCallControl);
calledID = myCallInfo.CalledIDNumber;