Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine |
The WTE gets its Web-browsing capabilities from a component called the Web-browser control, which is the same component used by Microsoft Internet Explorer. Because they both use the Web-browser control, the WTE and Internet Explorer share many characteristics. One common characteristic is the caching behavior. Understanding how the Web-browser control performs caching is important because caching can prevent callers from accessing recently updated files in your application.
As a caller browses your application's Web site, the Web-browser control stores (caches) a copy of each accessed HTML file in the Temporary Internet Files folder (the cache) on the local disk. Whenever the control needs to access a file, it first looks in the cache. If it doesn't find the file in the cache, the control retrieves it from the Web server.
Caching becomes an issue when you update files on your applications Web site. If you edit or replace an HTML file, the Web-browser control will not use the updated or new file if the cache contains a file with the same name. The control continues to use its cached file and never checks for a newer version.
Caching is not an issue when your application uses the File protocol to access a file (for example, File://\\MyWTEdir\start.HTM). In this case, the Web-browser control always gets the file from the local disk or network share. Because it does not cache files that are on the local disk or network share, the control always gets the newest version.
There are several ways you can ensure that the Web-browser control uses the latest versions of your application's files:
<% response.expires = 0 %>
To change the caching behavior
For a complete description of the caching options, see the Internet Explorer help file.
The Web-browser control caches wave files in the same way that it caches HTML pages. The setting under Check for newer versions of stored pages in Internet Explorer also affects wave files. If the setting is Every visit to the page, the WTE checks for a newer version of a file on every reference to it. If the setting is Every time you start Internet Explorer or Automatically, the engine checks for a newer version only after the Web telephony service is restarted.