Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine

Other Properties

The WTEApplication object includes a number of miscellaneous properties for setting configuration parameters of the WTE application. The following table lists and describes these properties.

Property Description
HomePage URL of the first page of the application.
PostCallPage URL of the page used to execute scripts after a call is disconnected.
DelayedAnswering Flag indicating whether to start the session without answering the telephony call.
DownloadControlFlags Group of flags that control the download mode of the browser (Internet Explorer).
EnableFullConfiguration Flag indicating whether the WTE administration tool displays all application property pages or just the General and the Addresses pages.
InitialAutoNumber Initial access-key value assigned by the "Autonumbering algorithm."
LogEventSelection Group of flags that specify the types of events to log.
OfferItems Flag indicating whether audio items inside a menu will be gathered.
RenderTablesAsTabularData Flag indicating whether a table in the HTML page is rendered as a table or as regular text.
ShutdownTime Amount of time, in seconds, that elapses between a shut-down announcement and the actual termination of the session.