Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine

Automatic Navigation

The WTE automatically performs a navigation operation when a call comes on the line with which the application is associated, when a caller makes too many errors, when a caller hangs up, or when WTE disconnects the call.

When a call arrives, the WTE navigates to the application's home page as specified by the HomePage property. You can use the home page to initialize your application's variables or to perform telephony operations. For example, an application might check the caller ID of the incoming call to decide whether to answer the call, transfer it to another extension, and so on.

When the caller commits too many data-entry or time-out errors, the WTE automatically navigates to the application's recurring-error page, if one exists. Otherwise, the WTE disconnects the call. You can use the recurring-error page to explain the error to callers and give them the opportunity to try again or to disconnect. The RecurringErrorPage property specifies an application's recurring-error page, and the MaxRetries property specifies the maximum number of errors that the caller may make before the WTE navigates to that page. For more information, see Handling Time-outs and Non-valid Keys.

The WTE navigates to your application's post-call page after the call was disconnected. It is typically the last page in an application, and allows the application to process data collected from the caller during the call. You can set or retrieve the post-call page by using the PostCallPage property.