Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine |
Many WTE objects contain a subobject, WTEVendorDataSets, that allows you to provide persistent storage of vendor-specific information for that object. For example, consider an application that retrieves data from a particular SQL server and has a user interface allowing the administrator to configure the name of the database. This name can be stored in a WTEVendorDataSet object. Then, when the application starts, it can retrieve the name of the database from the associated WTEVendorDataSet object.
The WTEVendorDataSets collection contains an array of WTEVendorDataSet objects, each holding a particular vendor's private information for the parent object. The collection can use the same collection methods found in all other WTE objects, as described in Managing Collections.
Whenever you add a WTEVendorDataSet object to the WTEVendorDataSets collection, call the Count property immediately thereafter. The value of this property is also the index of the newly created object .The application can use this number at any time to retrieve a WTEVendorDataSet it created earlier; for example, during setup.
The WTEVendorDataSet object stores private data as predetermined name-value pairs. WTE holds this data in persistent storage and serves it to the vendor's application on request.
An administrator can access the WTEVendorDataSet object to retrieve the name of a data set, or all names in a data set, and to set and retrieve the value associated with a given name in the set. The following example sets the property "Name", with the value "Janine".
SetVDSName = Obj.VendorDataSet(NameOfMyDataSetObject).Name = "Janine"
The value can be of any Automation type: integer, string… . For example,
Set Obj.VendorDataSet.Name = 392476
is a valid setting.
Note that if you have set the WTEApplication.EnableFullConfiguration property to FALSE, as described in Securing An Application's Configuration Parameters, an administrator will not have access to this vendor data.