Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine

Assigning Addresses to Applications

The Web Telephony engine supports both simple addressing, which maps each device to a single telephone number, and Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS).

DNIS is a telephone service that identifies, to the answering device, the number that the user dialed. For example, consider a WTE installation with multiple incoming telephone lines and multiple WTE applications. DNIS identifies the touch-tone digits — Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) or multi-frequency (MF) — and maps the called ID to the appropriate application. The call can then be transferred to any idle device, rather than the device associated with the actual number.

To use either addressing mode in your configuration/administration application:

  1. Create a WTEAddress object for each TAPI device on the server.
  2. Set the WTEAddress.Name property to the name of the device.
  3. Use the WTEAddress.Description property to provide a description of the device.
  4. If the device supports called IDs (which allow a call to be transferred or forwarded to another line) set the WTEAddress.SupportsCalledID property to TRUE.
  5. Use the WTEAddress.AssignedApplication property to assign the device address to an application.
  6. If the device supports DNIS, set the WTEAddress.AssignedGroup property to the name of the Address Group to which the device belongs.

To support DNIS, each WTEArray object (not the individual WTEServer object) contains a collection of WTEAddressGroups collection objects. To enable DNIS:

  1. Create a WTEAddressGroup object and add it to the WTEAddressGroups collection.
  2. For each incoming phone line in the address group, create a WTEDNIS object and add it to the WTEDNISes collection.
  3. Set the WTEDNIS.DialedNumberIdentifer to the called ID.
  4. Set the WTEDNIS.AssignedApplication to the name of the application you want to associate with that line.

When an incoming call's address is identified as belonging to an address group, the DNIS connects the called ID to its assigned application and forwards the call to an available device.