Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine

Programming Administration and Configuration Tasks

The WTEApplication object is part of a larger object model that handles the default configuration and administration tasks for the user interface (UI) of the Web Telephony Engine (WTE). This same set of objects is exposed for you to use in customizing and securing the settings and other data of your WTE application.

You can access these objects from your setup program or a stand-alone administration program written in C++ or Microsoft® Visual Basic®. Alternatively, you can use the scripting hosts provided by Microsoft Internet Explorer (for executing scripts inside HTML pages) and Internet Information Services (IIS) (for executing scripts inside of Active Server Pages (ASP) to create a Web-based administration interface for your WTE application. These scripting hosts can execute scripts written in Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript), Microsoft JScript®, or third-party scripting languages.

This section describes the WTE object model and several ways that you can use these objects to administer and configure your application, either through a setup or stand-alone administration program, or from scripts inside your WTE application. Topics include: