Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine

WTE Performance Counters

WTE makes available several performance counters to monitor activity on your WTE server. These performance counters are defined in the system32 file WTEPERF.ini and are installed during WTE setup.

Name Type Description
Web Telephony Engine Object Web Telephony Engine server performance data
Addresses Serviced Counter The number of addresses serviced.
Active Sessions Integer The number of currently active sessions.
Average Session Duration Integer The average duration (in milliseconds) of all active sessions.
Maximum session duration Counter The maximum duration (in milliseconds) of a session since startup.
Offered Calls Counter The number of calls offered to Web Telephony Engine.
Average Offering Duration Integer The average duration (in milliseconds) of all calls currently in offering state.
Maximum Offering Duration Counter The maximum duration (in milliseconds) of offering state for all calls since startup.
Active Calls Integer The number of currently active calls.
Average Call Duration Integer The average duration (in milliseconds) of all currently active calls.
Maximum Call Duration Counter The maximum duration (in milliseconds) of all calls since startup.
Sessions In Post Call Page Integer The number of sessions in post call page.
Average Post Call Page Duration Counter Average duration (in milliseconds) of sessions in post call page.
Maximum Post Call Page Duration Counter The maximum duration (in milliseconds) of all sessions in post call page since startup.
Maximum Simultaneous Calls Counter The maximum number of simultaneous calls since startup.
Total Calls Counter Total calls handled by Web Telephony Engine since startup.

You can access the data in the performance counters in several ways, including:

For more information on using Performance Counters, see Performance Monitoring.