Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine

Introduction to Web Telephony Logging

Logging information is useful in the development of WTE applications and in monitoring the functions of WTE applications. In addition, logging information is useful for accounting, billing, and reporting purposes.

When you are developing a new WTE application, you will find that any significant authoring error causes the application to terminate. For example, an application terminates if it specifies a wave file or HTML page that the WTE cannot find. Checking the log after the application terminates can help you learn why the application disconnected the call unexpectedly. For this reason, you should enable most or all of the WTE logging capabilities while you are developing a new WTE application.

Another use of the log file is to monitor how callers use a deployed WTE application. You can check in the logs for things such as:

You can even log each Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) digit that a caller enters, and each menu selection by a caller in a running WTE application. This can give you a detailed understanding of how callers interact with your application.