Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine


Value: [yes | no]
Initial: yes
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentage values: N/A

The cut-through CSS property determines whether the WTE accepts input from the caller while playing the audio items for a HTML element. If the cut-through property is set to 'no', the engine ignores the caller's speech input or DTMF digits until after playing all audio for the element to conclusion. If the cut-through property is set to 'yes', the WTE interrupts the audio to accept the caller's input.

This property is intended to be used with menus. Typically, you would set the cut-through property to 'yes' so that callers who are already familiar with the menu can select an item without having to listen to the whole menu. Occasionally, however, you may want to require the caller to listen. For example, you may want the caller to hear a special announcement before making a menu selection. In this case, you would set the cut-through property to 'no'.

You can apply the cut-through property to an HTML element. In this case, the property affects everything within the element.

The cut-through property for each item in a menu is always either 'yes' or 'no', and the first item in the menu defines the cut-through property for all subsequent menu items. The style of the menu owner does not play a special role. Changing the cut-through property in the middle of a menu or an announcement breaks it into two menus or announcements. This is treated as an authoring error and results in the addition of a new record to the log file.

When the WTE encounters an element that has the cut-through property set to 'no', the engine ignores and clears all previously gathered, but unused, caller input.

The cut-through property works only if the voice board's TAPI implementation supports full duplex operation.