Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine



Plays tabular data to the caller if the RenderTablesAsTabularData property is TRUE, according to the table rendering rules described in Tables. Use the TR, TD, and TH elements in the container to create the rows, columns, and cells.


CLASS= classname
Specifies the class of the element being defined. This is used to associate a subclassed style sheet with the element.
ID= value
An SGML ID used as the target for hypertext links or for naming particular elements in associated style sheets. Valid ID values must begin with a letter. The underscore ("_") can be used in the ID name. The ID should be unique throughout the document. If more than one object with the same ID exists in a document, a collection of those named items is created that can be referenced only by ordinal position.
STYLE= css1-properties
Specifies an inline style sheet for the element.
SUMMARY= text/url
Used to provide the summary of the table. The summary is played after the voice file specified by the VOICEFILE attribute on the TABLE element. If wrapped with URL(), the summary is considered to be URL, otherwise as text.
Specifies the voice file attached with this element.


Both the start and end tags are required.

See Also

TD, TR, TH Tables