Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine

HTML Elements and Attributes

The WTE uses only standard HTML elements. However, Microsoft® has defined five items intended to optimize the use of HTML for aural browsers. Microsoft is working with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to add the following items to the next version of HTML.


When used with menu items, the GRAMMAR attribute specifies a set of alternative phrases that the caller can speak to select the item. When used with entry fields, it specifies a grammar file that hints at what the caller is expected to say. For more information, see Using the GRAMMAR Attribute.
The VOICEFILE attribute specifies a wave file that the WTE engine plays instead of using TTS to render the text associated with the given element. For more information, see Using Wave Files.


The onselectiontimeout event allows you to react with a script to a time-out event on caller input. For more information, see Handling Time-outs and Non-valid Keys.
The onselectionerror event allows the author to react with a script to an error event on caller input. For more information, see Handling Time-outs and Non-valid Keys.

Cascading Style Sheet Properties

The cascading style sheet (CSS) cut-through property allows you to determine whether the caller must listen to all menu announcements before selecting an item, or whether the caller can skip the announcements and select an item. For more information, see Receiving a Selection from the Caller.

This section contain descriptions of the following attributes: