The IIS ADSI Schema

The IIS ADSI Schema defines the group of objects that can be stored in the metabase. The Schema Management Objects are used to represent the IIS ADSI Schema. The IIS ADSI Schema does not represent the ADSI object hierarchy, but can be thought of as an information store.

The Schema container object is used to attach a set of object definitions to the IIS namespace tree. Typically, each instance of a namespace will have its own schema. ADSI represents this by placing a Schema container as a child of the namespace root.

For example, the IIS ADSI Schema contains definitions for classes such as IISWebServer. At the IISWebServer object level, the IIS ADSI Schema defines which properties can be set for that object; for example, the ServerBindings property. The IIS ADSI Schema also contains definitions for each property defined for the object, such as the property's data type.

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