
The ADSI SetInfo method saves changed property values from the object to the metabase. After you have changed some or all of the values in the object properties, you must use the SetInfo method to save the new values back into the metabase. Only the values you changed will be saved back into the metabase; unchanged values will not be overwritten.




Contains an IIS Admin Object, usually as a result of a previous GetObject operation.
Code Example
  Dim IIsObj 
  Set IIsObj = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/1/Root") 
'Make some changes to properties. 
' . . . 
'Save the changes back to the metabase. 

Note   If you attempt to create a custom object by calling AppCreate but fail to call SetInfo, any calls to the custom object will fail because the path exists but the object does not exist. If a call to AppCreate is made, preliminary information will be persisted, but the object will not be created until SetInfo is called.

See Also

GetInfo, Get, Put, GetEx, PutEx