
The ADSI PutEx method sets the value for a single-valued or multivalued metabase property in the object. You can use PutEx to remove, or clear, a property from a metabase key.


object.PutEx controlcode, property, value


Contains an IIS Admin Object, usually as a result of a previous GetObject operation.
Specifies whether to update the property, or to remove the property from the object. One of: ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR (value 1) to remove the property, or ADS_PROPERTY_UPDATE (value 2) to update the property.
A property of the object that has been retrieved from the metabase.
The value for the property. An empty string when removing the property (controlcode = ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR).

For a metabase property to use inherited data at a key, the property must not already exist at the key; if it does, you can remove it by using ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR. (You can use the GetDataPaths method common to all IIS Admin Objects to locate the keys where a property exists.)

Code Example
  Dim IIsObj, vList 
  Set IIsObj = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/Info") 
'Get the value from the object. 
  vList = IIsObj.GetEx("CustomErrorDescriptions") 
'Modify the list. 
'Put the values back in the object. 
  IIsObj.PutEx 2, "CustomErrorDescriptions", vList 
'Remove another property from the object.
  IIsObj.PutEx 1, "ObsoleteProperty", ""
See Also

GetInfo, SetInfo, Get, Put, GetEx