IIS Admin Objects Overview

The IIS Admin Objects are COM Automation objects that you can use within ASP pages or custom applications to change IIS configuration values stored in the IIS metabase. For example, you could set permissions for the AccessRead, AccessWrite, and AccessExecute properties by writing a script in an ASP page.

Individual IIS Admin Objects correspond to keys in the metabase and are addressed by their paths within the metabase. Each object has properties and each property is stored in the metabase. You can manipulate your IIS configuration by using IIS Admin Objects; you can change properties, add new virtual directories, add new Web sites, and so on.

Because modifying an IIS Admin Object property changes the value of the corresponding metabase property, you can configure individual elements of IIS such as the local machine (LM), FTP server (FTPSVC), or Web server (W3SVC). Because of the hierarchical structure of the metabase and its property inheritance feature, you can easily configure properties for a single file, a single server, all Web servers, all FTP servers, or the common properties of many other groups of objects.

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