
The IIsIPSecurity object is a custom ADSI object that you can use to set access permissions by IP address and domain address.

The IIsIPSecurity Boolean property, GrantByDefault, determines if access by users is granted or denied by default.

If GrantByDefault is set to TRUE, then all IP addresses and Internet domains are granted access, except those you specify to be denied. Use IPDeny and DomainDeny to deny access to specific IP addresses and domains.

Note   IPDeny and DomainDeny are only valid if GrantByDefault is set to TRUE.

If GrantByDefault is set to FALSE, then all IP addresses and domains are denied access by default, except those you specify to be granted access. Use IPGrant and DomainGrant to grant access to specific IPs and domains.

Note   IPGrant and DomainGrant are only valid if GrantByDefault is set to FALSE.


For the server's root virtual directory,


where MachineName can be any name or "LocalHost."

For a specific virtual directory,


where MachineName can be any name or "LocalHost."


varReturn = object.Method


A variable that receives the return value from the method.
A variable that contains the IIsIPSecurity object, usually as a result of a previous GetObject operation.
The object method chosen.
Valid Locations
Key Type Metabase Path
IIsWebService /LM/W3SVC/
IIsWebServer /LM/W3SVC/1
IIsWebFile /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/vdirName/text.htm
IIsWebDirectory /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/vdirName/subdirectory
IIsFtpVirtualDir /LM/SMFTPSVC/1/ROOT/vdirName
IIsWebVirtualDir /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/Samples

IIsIPSecurity Properties
IPDeny This method accesses an array of IP addresses that are not allowed access to the server.
IPGrant This method accesses an array of IP addresses that are allowed access to the server.
DomainDeny This method accesses an array of domains that are not allowed access to the server.
DomainGrant This method accesses an array of domains that are allowed access to the server.

Note   This property is valid only when used in the context of the IIsIPSecurity object.

This Boolean property determines if access is granted by default or not. If GrantByDefault is set to TRUE, then you can use IPDeny and DomainDeny to deny access by specific IP addresses and domains. If GrantByDefault is set to FALSE, then you can use IPGrant and DomainGrant to grant access by specific IP addresses and domains.

Metabase Properties
ADSI Object Properties A list of properties valid at multiple objects.
IPSecurity This property specifies the IP access restrictions for a URL. It can be used to grant or deny access to client browsers based on either their IP address or DNS host name.