
The IIsWebDirectory object is used to set metabase properties that apply to one or more Web directories for a Web server. When you use the IIsWebDirectory object to set metabase properties for a Web directory, inheritable properties will apply to all subdirectories and files.

You can also use IIsWebDirectory methods to create and manage Web applications in Web directories and subdirectories. Applications can also be defined and managed in virtual directories by using IIsWebVirtualDir.

The IIsWebDirectory object is an ADSI container object.


where MachineName can be any name or "LocalHost."


varReturn = object.Method


A variable that receives the return value from the method.
A variable that contains the IIsWebDirectory object, usually as a result of a previous GetObject operation.
The object method chosen.
Can Contain
IIsWebDirectory IIsWebFile

ADSI Object Properties  

Metabase Properties
A Asp...  
AccessExecute AspBufferingOn
AccessFlags AspCodepage
AccessNoRemoteExecute AspEnableApplicationRestart
AccessNoRemoteRead AspEnableAspHtmlFallback
AccessNoRemoteScript AspEnableChunkedEncoding
AccessNoRemoteWrite AspEnableParentPaths
AccessRead AspEnableTypelibCache
AccessScript AspErrorsToNTLog
AccessSSL AspExceptionCatchEnable
AccessSSL128 AspLogErrorRequests
AccessSSLFlags AspProcessorThreadMax
AccessSSLMapCert AspQueueConnectionTestTime
AccessSSLNegotiateCert AspQueueTimeout
AccessSSLRequireCert AspRequestQueueMax
AccessWrite AspScriptEngineCacheMax
AnonymousPasswordSync AspScriptErrorMessage
AnonymousUserName AspScriptErrorSentToBrowser
AnonymousUserPass AspScriptFileCacheSize
AppAllowClientDebug AspScriptLanguage
AppAllowDebugging AspScriptTimeout
AppFriendlyName AspSessionMax
AppIsolated AspSessionTimeout
AppOopRecoverLimit AspThreadGateEnabled
AppPackageID AspThreadGateLoadHigh
AppPackageName AspThreadGateLoadLow
AppRoot AspThreadGateSleepDelay
AppWamClsID AspThreadGateSleepMax
AspAllowOutOfProcComponents AspThreadGateTimeSlice
AspAllowSessionState AspTrackThreadingModel
Auth... U  
AuthAnonymous DirBrowseShowSize
AuthBasic DirBrowseShowTime
AuthFlags DontLog
AuthNTLM EnableDefaultDoc
AuthPersistence EnableDirBrowsing
AuthPersistSingleRequest EnableDocFooter
AuthPersistSingleRequestIfProxy EnableReverseDns
AuthPersistSingleRequestAlwaysIfProxy HttpCustomHeaders
CacheControlCustom HttpErrors
CacheControlMaxAge HttpExpires
CacheControlNoCache HttpPics
CacheISAPI HttpRedirect
ContentIndexed IPSecurity
CpuAppEnabled LogonMethod
CpuCgiEnabled MimeMap
CreateCGIWithNewConsole PoolIDCTimeout
CreateProcessAsUser PutReadSize
DefaultDoc Realm
DefaultDocFooter RedirectHeaders
DefaultLogonDomain ScriptMaps
DirBrowseFlags SSIExecDisable
DirBrowseShowDate UNCAuthenticationPassthrough
DirBrowseShowExtension UploadReadAheadSize

AppCreate Creates an application at a specified metabase key (parameter is a Boolean).
AppCreate2 Creates an application at a specified metabase key (parameter is a Long).
AppDelete Deletes an application definition at a specified key.
AppDeleteRecursive Deletes application definitions at a specified key and subkeys.
AppDisable Disables an application at a specified key.
AppDisableRecursive Disables applications at a specified key and subkeys.
AppEnable Enables an application that was previously disabled at a specified key.
AppEnableRecursive Enables applications that were previously disabled at a specified key and subkeys.
AppGetStatus Retrieves the status of an application.
AppUnload Unloads an application at a specified key.
AppUnloadRecursive Unloads applications at a specified key and subkeys.
AspAppRestart This method restarts the ASP application that invoked it.

See Also
ADSI Object Methods Standard methods for ADSI objects.
ADSI Container Object Methods Standard methods for ADSI container objects.


Web directories can be nested, and are addressed with the path to the directory, including the directory name (for example .../vdirName/Dir1/Dir1a/Dir1ab, and so on).