
The MimeMap property contains an array of IISMimeType objects. To add to the array, create a new IISMimeType object, set its MimeType, create the Extension, add the element to the MimeMap array, and set it in ADSI.

The IIsMimeType object is a custom ADSI Automation object.


varMimeMap = object.MimeMap

Set objMimeType = aMimeMap(0)


A variable that receives the list of IIsMimeType objects.
A variable that supports the MimeType property, usually as a result of a previous GetObject operation.
An object variable that receives the IIsMimeType object.
Can Contain

This object cannot contain any other objects.


ADSI Object Properties

Metabase Properties
MimeMap This property provides a list of the file name extensions for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) mappings. MimeMap is an array of IISMimeType objects.

Object Properties
MimeType This property can be used to GET and PUT the MimeType for the object.
Extension This property can be used to GET and PUT the file name extension assigned to the object.

See Also

IIsMimeMap, MimeMap