You can use the AppCreate2 method of the IIsWebDirectory or IIsWebVirtualDir object to create a Web application definition and mark it as running in-process, out-of-process, or in a process pool. If an application already exists at the specified path, you can use this method to reconfigure the application to run in whatever process space you want.
DirObj.AppCreate2 InProcFlag
Dim DirObj
Const INPROC = 0
Const OUTPROC = 1
Const POOLED = 2
Set DirObj = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/1/ROOT/MyAppDir")
'Create an application in-process.
DirObj.AppCreate INPROC
AppCreate, AppDelete, AppDeleteRecursive, AppUnload, AppUnloadRecursive, AppGetStatus, AppDisable, AppDisableRecursive, AppEnable, AppEnableRecursive, AspAppRestart