
This property indicates whether or not to display two-digit or four-digit years when browsing directories.

Note The property MSDOSDirOutput allows UNIX-style directory browsing, and if it is FALSE, FtpDirBrowseShowLongDate will have no effect. It is valid only when the directory output is in MSDOS format (MSDOSDirOutput = True).

Data type Boolean
Default value FALSE
Inheritance Inheritable

Access Locations

This property is accessible at the following locations:

Metabase Path Key Type
/LM/MSFTPSVC/N/ROOT/FtpVirtualDir IIsFtpVirtualDir

IIS Admin Base Object Information

The following table lists additional information required only for code that uses the IIS Admin Base Object.

Metabase identifier MD_SHOW_4_DIGIT_YEAR
Default value DWORD_METADATA
User type IIS_MD_UT_FILE