
This property contains flags that control whether directory browsing is enabled, how much directory and file information is provided if browsing is enabled, and whether there is a default page in the directory.

Note   If a client accesses the directory and does not provide a file name, and the EnableDefaultDoc flag is set to TRUE, the server will look for the file specified in the property DefaultDoc. If the default file does not exist in the directory, and the EnableDirBrowsing flag is set to TRUE, then directory browsing is enabled.

Data type Long
Default value DirBrowseShowDate, DirBrowseShowExtension, DirBrowseShowSize, DirBrowseShowTime, EnableDefaultDoc
Inheritance Inheritable

This property contains the following directory browsing flags:

DirBrowseShowDate DirBrowseShowTime
DirBrowseShowExtension EnableDefaultDoc
DirBrowseShowLongDate EnableDirBrowsing

Access Locations

This property is accessible at the following locations:

Metabase Path Key Type
/LM/W3SVC IIsWebService
/LM/W3SVC/N IIsWebServer
/LM/W3SVC/N/ROOT IIsWebVirtualDir
/LM/W3SVC/N/ROOT/WebVirtualDir IIsWebVirtualDir
/LM/W3SVC/N/ROOT/WebVirtualDir/WebDirectory IIsWebDirectory

IIS Admin Base Object Information

The following tables list additional information required only for code that uses the IIS Admin Base Object.

Metabase identifier MD_DIRECTORY_BROWSING
User type IIS_MD_UT_FILE
Default bitmask setting MD_DIRBROW_SHOW_DATE





Default bitmask value 0x4000001E

Bitmask Values
Constant Value Description
MD_DIRBROW_SHOW_DATE 0x00000002 Show date.
MD_DIRBROW_SHOW_TIME 0x00000004 Show time.
MD_DIRBROW_SHOW_SIZE 0x00000008 Show file size.
MD_DIRBROW_SHOW_EXTENSION 0x00000010 Show file name extension.
MD_DIRBROW_LONG_DATE 0x00000020 Show full date.
MD_DIRBROW_LOADDEFAULT 0x40000000 Load default page, if it exists.
MD_DIRBROW_ENABLED 0x80000000 Enable directory browsing.