
This metabase property specifies the directory or URL to which a client is redirected when attempting to access a specific resource. There are two general forms that the value for this property can take.

The simple format is Destination, Flag, where Destination can specify either a URL or a virtual path to a file. Flag can have one of three values: EXACT_DESTINATION indicates that the value provided for Destination should be considered an absolute target location; CHILD_ONLY indicates that the value should be added to the beginning of the file name of the request to be redirected; and PERMANENT indicates that this redirection will be permanent for this resource.

The more complex form of specification for this property involves the use of wildcards. The format is *; Wildcard1; Destination1; Wildcard2; Destination2, Flag. Each Wildcard; Destination pair indicates that requests matching the wildcard are redirected to the specified destination. Flag can have the same values as the simple string format.

Data type String
Default value Empty string (no redirects)
Inheritance Inheritable

Access Locations

This property is accessible at the following locations:

Metabase Path Key Type
/LM/W3SVC IIsWebService
/LM/W3SVC/N IIsWebServer
/LM/W3SVC/N/ROOT IIsWebVirtualDir
/LM/W3SVC/N/ROOT/WebVirtualDir IIsWebVirtualDir
/LM/W3SVC/N/ROOT/WebVirtualDir/WebDirectory IIsWebDirectory
/LM/W3SVC/N/ROOT/WebVirtualDir/WebDirectory/WebFile IIsWebFile

IIS Admin Base Object Information

The following table lists additional information required only for code that uses the IIS Admin Base Object.

Metabase identifier MD_HTTP_REDIRECT
User type IIS_MD_UT_FILE