
This property specifies the identifier of the metabase property that will be used to determine if logging is enabled or disabled for the specific logging field in question. To get the identifier for a given property, you must first determine what the underlying metabase identifier constant is for the administration property in question. You can then refer to the header file iiscnfg.h to determine the identifier for that constant.

For instance, the ADSI administration property named LogExtFileFlags refers to the underlying property identified by MD_LOGEXT_FIELD_MASK, the value of which is 4013.

When a logging module is called to log custom information fields, the logging module will access the property specified by LogCustomPropertyID, and check the individual flag bits, specified by LogCustomPropertyMask, to determine if that particular field is currently enabled or disabled.

For more information about custom logging fields, see Setting Metabase Properties for Logging.

Data type Long
Default value 0
Inheritance Inheritable

Access Locations

This property is accessible at the following locations:

Metabase Path Key Type
/LM/Logging/CustomLogging IIsCustomLogModule
/LM/Logging/CustomLogging/Field IIsCustomLogModule
/LM/Logging/CustomLogging/FieldGroup IIsCustomLogModule
/LM/Logging/CustomLogging/FieldGroup/Field IIsCustomLogModule

IIS Admin Base Object Information

The following table lists additional information required only for code that uses the IIS Admin Base Object.

Metabase identifier MD_LOGCUSTOM_PROPERTY_ID