
This metabase property specifies the maximum CPU load, as a percentage of the total, at which the CPU is still considered under low load conditions. This information will be used by IIS to perform thread gating, in an attempt to maintain CPU load between the percentages specified in AspThreadGateLoadLow and AspThreadGateLoadHigh.

Important   IIS performs thread gating to dynamically control the number of concurrently executing threads, in response to varying load conditions. The default settings for this property, and the other thread gating properties, are designed to be appropriate for the majority of server configurations and traffic conditions. Changing these properties can lead to significant performance degradation.

The Web service setting for this property is applicable to all in-process and pooled out-of-process application nodes, at all levels. Metabase settings at the Web server level or lower will be ignored for in-process and pooled out-of-process applications. However, settings at the Web server level or lower will be used if that node is an isolated out-of-process application.

Data type Long
Default value 75 percent
Inheritance Inheritable

Access Locations

This property is accessible at the following locations:

Metabase Path Key Type
/LM/W3SVC IIsWebService
/LM/W3SVC/N IIsWebServer
/LM/W3SVC/N/ROOT IIsWebVirtualDir
/LM/W3SVC/N/ROOT/WebVirtualDir IIsWebVirtualDir
/LM/W3SVC/N/ROOT/WebVirtualDir/WebDirectory IIsWebDirectory

IIS Admin Base Object Information

The following table lists additional information required only for code that uses the IIS Admin Base Object.

User type ASP_MD_UT_APP