
This metabase property specifies the size of the buffer, in bytes, that IIS will use to read uncompressed files. A larger buffer will yield slightly faster compression performance, but at the cost of additional memory usage.

HcIoBufferSize is used by IIS only if HcDoOnDemandCompression is set to TRUE. The maximum allowable value is 1,048,576 bytes (1 MB).

The Web service must be restarted before any changes to this property take effect.

Data type Long
Default value 8192 bytes
Inheritance Not inheritable

Access Locations

This property is accessible at the following locations:

Metabase Path Key Type
/LM/W3SVC/Filters/Compression/Parameters IIsCompressionSchemes

IIS Admin Base Object Information

The following table lists additional information required only for code that uses the IIS Admin Base Object.

Metabase identifier MD_HC_IO_BUFFER_SIZE