Metabase Backup Restore Utility


If you have backed up your metabase, and then somehow corrupted the configuration on all of your Web sites, you will need to retrieve your metabase backup. This tool is provided for just such a situation.

Code Tour

The method to restore the metabase is simply called Restore, and is accessed at the same IIS://LocalHost node of the metabase that the Backup method was. Restore takes several parameters, including the location string and the version number. Again, there are several constants that can be used in place of an explicit version number. This sample uses as a default one of those constants, &HFFFFFFFE (-2 decimal), which indicates that the server should look for, and restore from, the highest numbered version of the specified backup location.


This script is available in the IIS samples directory, at ...\admin\metabackenum.vbs.