Installable Components for ASP

You can create dynamic, interactive Web pages by using the server components included with Active Server Pages (ASP) in your scripts. This reference section contains information about and examples of these components.

Ad Rotator Creates an AdRotator object that automatically rotates advertisements displayed on a page according to a specified schedule.
Browser Capabilities Creates a BrowserType object that determines the capabilities, type, and version of each browser that accesses your Web site.
Content Linking Creates a NextLink object that creates tables of contents for Web pages, and links them together sequentially like pages in a book.
Content Rotator Automates the rotation of HTML content strings on a Web page.
Counters Creates a Counters object that can create, store, increment, and retrieve any number of individual counters.
Database Access Provides access to databases using ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO).
File Access Component Provides access to file input and output.
Logging Utility Allows you to read the HTTP activity log files that IIS generates.
MyInfo Creates a MyInfo object that keeps track of personal information, such as the site administrator's name, address, and display choices.
Page Counter Counts and displays the number of times a Web page has been opened.
Permission Checker Uses the password authentication protocols provided in Microsoft® Internet Information Services (IIS) to determine whether a Web user has been granted permissions to read a file.
Status Creates a Status object that has properties that contain server status information. Currently, this server status is only available on Personal Web Server for Macintosh.
Tools Creates a Tools object that provides utilities that enable you to easily add sophisticated functionality to your Web pages.

For information on server scripting with ASP, see Developing Web Applications. For more information on the built-in objects supplied with the ASP, see Visual Basic Object Model.

Note   The examples in this reference use Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) as the primary scripting language. However, ASP scripts can be written in any supported scripting language. For information on how to change the primary scripting language, see Working with Scripting Languages.