Database Access Component

The Database Access component uses ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) to access information stored in a database or other tabular data structure.

For information about ADO see or the Microsoft Data Access SDK in the Platform SDK.

Note   To use the constants specified in the ADO Reference, you must either include a file that contains information about the ADO constants or include a reference to the ADO type library in your Global.asa file. Using a type library is generally a better option. The following example demonstrates using the ADO type library to access constants.

For example, to use:

<% rs.Open "Customers", Conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic %>

Instead of:

<% rs.Open "Customers", Conn, 3, 3 %>

You would include the following type library declaration in the Global.asa file for the application.

<!-- METADATA TYPE="typelib" FILE="c:\program files\common files\system\ado\msado20.dll"-->

For more information about type libraries and constants, see Using Variables and Constants. For more information about data access, see Accessing a Data Source and Accessing Data with ASP.