Encrypted Message


MSMQ allows you to specify that certain messages should be transmitted to a message queue in an encrypted form. This sample demonstrates how you can open a message queue and transmit a private message.

Code Tour

This example first creates an instance of the MSMQQueueInfo object, which will be used as a template for the actual queue object instances. MSMQQueueInfo contains a number of properties that can be used to configure the queue instances it will create, but in this sample, only the PathName property is set. PathName specifies the MSMQ pathname of the queue, and is given in the general form MachineName\QueueName. Note that in this example, the MachineName part of the MSMQ pathname is a period (.), which indicates that the queue is located on the local computer.

The MSMQQueueInfo.Open method is used to create an instance of the actual queue object, MSMQQueue, and the variable Queue is set to refer to the new queue instance.

At this point, having gained access to the IIS_SDK_EXAMPLE queue, this sample now creates a message by instantiating MSMQMessage. The reference to the instance, Msg, is used to set the description and content of the message using the Label and Body properties. This sample then sets the PrivLevel property to indicate that the message is private and should be encrypted. If the PrivLevel property is not set, then the message should be considered non-private.

With the message complete and the queue configured, the script is ready to send the message. The MSMQMessage.Send method is called to send the message to the queue pointed to by the reference Queue, and the queue is closed with the Close method. The message is now available to any other applications that have permission and inclination to access that queue.

Important   This sample requires that you install MSMQ on your host machine. It also requires, prior to running this sample for the first time, that you start MSMQ Explorer and create a new queue named IIS_SDK_EXAMPLE. MSMQ Explorer can also be used after the sample is run so that you can examine the results of the script's execution.


The VBScript and JScript versions of this script are available in the IIS samples directory, at ...\asp\queuing\EncryptedDelivery_VBScript.asp and ...\asp\queuing\EncryptedDelivery_JScript.asp.