Component Services

New with Windows 2000, Component Services provides a number of services that make component and Web application development easier. These services include:

Queued Components

Queued Components allow you to create components that can execute immediately if the client and server are connected. They provide an easy way to invoke and execute components asynchronously. In the event that the client and server are not connected, the component can hold execution until a connection is made. Queued Components assist the developer by using method calls similar to those calls used in component development, thus diminishing the need for an in-depth knowledge of marshaling. For more information, see Queued Components.

Component Services Events

Component Services Events lets publishers and subscribers loosely connect to data souces so that these sources can be developed, deployed, and executed separately. The publisher does not need to know the number and location of the subscriber, and the subscriber uses an intermediate broker to find a publisher and manage the subscription to it. The event system simplifies component and Web application development by allowing both publisher and subscriber identities to be persistent: Publishers and subscribers identities can be manipulated without being known to each other.  For more information, see COM+ Events.