A type library is a file that contains information about objects and types supported by a COM component. It is very common for a COM component to describe any constants that it supports in a type library. If your Web application relies on COM objects that have declared data types in type libraries, you can declare the type libraries in Global.asa. Doing so will make it possible to refer to the constants declared in the type libraries from any script within the application boundary.
For more information about using constants in ASP, see Using Variables and Constants.
The server can return one of the following error messages.
Error | Description |
ASP 0222 | Invalid type library specification. The METADATA tag contains an invalid type library specification. |
ASP 0223 | Type library not found. The METADATA tag contains a type library specification that does not match any registry entry. |
ASP 0224 | Type library cannot be loaded. ASP cannot load the type library specified in the METADATA tag. |
ASP 0225 | Type library cannot be wrapped. ASP cannot create a Type Library Wrapper object from the type libraries specified in the METADATA tag. |
It is recommended that METADATA tags appear near the top of the Global.asa file. However, these tags can appear anywhere inside of the Global.asa file, including both inside and outside the SCRIPT tags.
You can avoid ambiguous references to constants by adding the type library name as a prefix for the constant. For example, ADODB.adErrItemNotFound would be less ambiguous than adErrItemNotFound.
If you use Microsoft Visual InterDev to create your Global.asa file, the METADATA tags will include the optional STARTSPAN and ENDSPAN keywords. These keywords are ignored by IIS.
If you do not specify a locale identifier for the type library, the default locale identifier for the system will be used. If the system locale identifier can not be used, and you have not specified a locale identifier, the locale identifier for the Type Library will be set to 0.
in the following example was developed with Visual Basic 5.0. MyComponent
defines the constant MyError
with the following statement.
Public Const MyError = "You are not using MyComponent correctly."
The type library is contained in mycomponent.lib, which you have installed in the following directory.
The following METADATA tag is included in the Global.asa file for the MyApp application.
Any .asp file in the MyApp application can now include the following script:
Dim MyVar
Set MyVar = Server.CreateObject("MyComponent.MyClass")
Currentreturn = MyVar.MyMethod
If Currentreturn = False
End If