
The Application_OnStart event occurs before the first new session is created, that is, before the Session_OnStart event. Only the Application and Server built-in objects are available. Referencing the Session, Request, or Response objects in the Application_OnStart event script causes an error.


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=ScriptLanguage RUNAT=Server>
Sub Application_OnStart
. . .
End Sub




Specifies the scripting language used to write the event script. It may be any supported scripting language, such as VBScript or JScript. If more than one event uses the same scripting language, they can be combined under a single set of <SCRIPT> tags.

Sub Application_OnStart

  Application("NumberofVisitors") = 0

End Sub

Note   There is no need to use Application.Lock and Application.Unlock methods in the Application_OnStart event, as this event can only be called once, by the first session that starts the application.

See Also

Application_OnEnd, Session_OnStart