IIS includes a pointer to this structure when it maps a URL to a physical directory. If your filter should be notified for this event, it should register for the SF_NOTIFY_URL_MAP event.

typedef struct _HTTP_FILTER_URL_MAP {

  const CHAR * pszURL;

  CHAR * pszPhysicalPath;

  DWORD cbPathBuff;



Points to the URL that is being mapped to a physical path.
Points to the buffer where the physical path is stored.
The size of the buffer pointed to by pszPhysicalPath.

When the server is about to map the specified URL to a physical path, this structure is pointed to by the pvNotification parameter in the HttpFilterProc when the notificationType parameter is set to SF_NOTIFY_URL_MAP. Filters can modify the physical path in place (rather than copying it to a buffer, modifying it, and copying it back). When this event occurs it is too late in the server processing to use this filter notification to change a URL for a static file into an ISAPI or CGI request, or vice versa. If you need to make this change, you must use the SF_NOTIFY_PREPROC_HEADERS notification and change the URL value to modify the client request.

See Also
