
This method enables the caller to specify which server's log files should be read by your custom logging module. This is accomplished by passing ILogScripting::SetInputServerInstance the metabase instance number of the server.

virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetInputServerInstance(

  LONG iServerInstance,

  DATE startDateTime,

  DATE endDateTime  



[in] A LONG that specifies the server instance number.
[in] Specifies the starting date and time.
[in] Specifies the ending date and time.

The caller is free to call either ILogScripting:SetInputServerInstance or ILogScripting::SetInputLogFile. It is not necessary, nor is it proper, for the caller to call both ILogScripting::Set… methods in the same attempt to read a log file. The second ILogScripting::Set… call will simply reset the read initiated by the first call.

Important   This method will never be called by the LogScripting object, created using the Logging Utility. The LogScripting object accesses the metabase to determine the proper log file name, and then calls ILogScripting:SetInputLogFile.

After this method is called, the caller is obliged to call ILogScripting::ReadLogRecord before calling any of the ILogScripting::Get… methods.

See Also

ILogScripting Interface