Command identifiers specify an action to take on the given object. Use them with the following methods:
The following command identifiers are currently available:
BackColor | Sets or retrieves the background color of the current selection. |
Bold | Toggles the current selection between bold and nonbold. |
ClearAutocompleteForForms | Clears saved forms data. |
Copy | Copies the current selection to the clipboard. |
CreateBookmark | Retrieves the name of a bookmark anchor or creates a bookmark anchor for the current selection or insertion point. |
CreateLink | Retrieves the URL of a hyperlink or creates a hyperlink on the current selection. |
Cut | Copies the current selection to the clipboard and then deletes it. |
Delete | Deletes the current selection. |
Find | Finds and selects text in the current document. |
FontName | Sets or retrieves the font for the current selection. |
FontSize | Sets or retrieves the font size for the current selection. |
ForeColor | Sets or retrieves the foreground (text) color of the current selection. |
FormatBlock | Sets or retrieves the current block format tag. |
Indent | Increases the indent of the selected text by one indentation increment. |
InsertButton | Overwrites a button control on the current selection. |
InsertFieldset | Overwrites a box on the current selection. |
InsertHorizontalRule | Overwrites a horizontal line on the current selection. |
InsertIFrame | Overwrites an inline frame on the current selection. |
InsertImage | Overwrites an image on the current selection. |
InsertInputButton | Overwrites a button control on the current selection. |
InsertInputCheckbox | Overwrites a check box control on the current selection. |
InsertInputFileUpload | Overwrites a file upload control on the current selection. |
InsertInputHidden | Inserts a hidden control on the current selection. |
InsertInputImage | Overwrites an image control on the current selection. |
InsertInputPassword | Overwrites a password control on the current selection. |
InsertInputRadio | Overwrites a radio control on the current selection. |
InsertInputReset | Overwrites a reset control on the current selection. |
InsertInputSubmit | Overwrites a submit control on the current selection. |
InsertInputText | Overwrites a text control on the current selection. |
InsertMarquee | Overwrites an empty marquee on the current selection. |
InsertOrderedList | Toggles the current selection between an ordered list and a normal format block. |
InsertParagraph | Overwrites a line break on the current selection. |
InsertSelectDropdown | Overwrites a drop-down selection control on the current selection. |
InsertSelectListbox | Overwrites a list box selection control on the current selection. |
InsertTextArea | Overwrites a multiline text input control on the current selection. |
InsertUnorderedList | Toggles the current selection between an ordered list and a normal format block. |
Italic | Toggles the current selection between italic and nonitalic. |
JustifyCenter | Centers the format block in which the current selection is located. |
JustifyLeft | Left-justifies the format block in which the current selection is located. |
JustifyRight | Right-justifies the format block in which the current selection is located. |
Outdent | Decreases by one increment the indentation of the format block in which the current selection is located. |
OverWrite | Toggles the text-entry mode between insert and overwrite. |
Paste | Overwrites the contents of the clipboard on the current selection. |
Refresh | Refreshes the current document. |
RemoveFormat | Removes the formatting tags from the current selection. |
SelectAll | Selects the entire document. |
UnBookmark | Removes any bookmark from the current selection. |
Underline | Toggles the current selection between underlined and not underlined. |
Unlink | Removes any hyperlink from the current selection. |
Unselect | Clears the current selection. |