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Doctor HTML

June 25, 1996

As many Webmasters can testify, maintaining and updating a Web site can be a tedious and time-consuming process. A great deal of time can be spent searching for flaws that damage a document's impact. Imagiware has developed an online tool, Doctor HTML, which identifies many common Web page problems, making the task of site administration much easier.

Doctor HTML is a Web page analysis tool that loads your page over the Internet and provides suggestions on how to improve your document. Incorrect HTML, spelling mistakes, broken hyperlinks, and missing images can all reduce the best designed pages to a jumbled mess. Here is a summary of the tests that Doctor HTML performs on a Web page:

With the help of Doctor HTML, Web designers can efficiently create and administer a site, ensuring optimal performance for the viewer. The single page service is freely available at Non-MS link, with advanced features such as the Site Doctor available by subscription.

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