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HTML Help Events

Microsoft Corporation

July 16, 1999

The Help Technology Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, August 25-28 Non-MS link

Stay current with the latest in Help design and development at The Help Technology Conference, presented by SOLUTIONS and WinWriters. The conference, which is now in its third year, includes sessions on single sourcing, embedded Help, HTML Help, JavaHelp, RoboHELP, Linux/UNIX, indexing, prototyping, managing Help, ForeHelp, context sensitivity, DHTML, EPSS, XML, KeyHelp, interactive Help, conversion, linking, CSS, Help on the Web, HomeSite, modular Help, decompiling, WebHelp, and MORE! Three of Microsoft's MVPs will be presenting a variety of topics about the latest in HTML Help development. Also participating from Microsoft is Margo Page who has a fascinating case study describing the bleeding edge development of user assistance in Money 99. The complete program is available at Registration is open! Non-MS link

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