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Design-time Controls SDK Sample Controls

Updated: February 12, 1997


This document includes notes about the sample controls included in the Design-time Control SDK.

Visual Basic 5.0 Sample Controls

All the Visual Basic control samples require Microsoft® Visual Basic® 5.0.

Bgsound Control

This control is the simplest control. It has no property page and has the minimum design-time control requirements.

Billboard Control

This control is a fairly sophisticated control that authors a Java billboard applet. It has a nice property page and generates server scripting as part of the run-time text it generates.


Data Grid Control

This control is the most complex example that shows how to use the Service automation server that is covered in the Host Services document. It also uses run-time text from two embedded Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ design-time controls (including controls from other vendors) to show how controls can be combined into more complex authoring scenarios. It uses Visual InterDev services to get to the data connections of a Web project and to take advantage of the SQL Builder that ships with Visual InterDev. It shows how to use ODBC to get the columns that will be returned by an ad-hoc SQL statement.


MFC Sample Controls

All the MFC sample controls require Microsoft® Visual C++® 4.2 or later.

Bgsound Control

This control is the simplest control. It has no property page and has the minimum design-time control requirements.

Bgsound2 Control

This control is an enhanced version of the Bgsound control that shows how to take advantage of the URL builder if the control is hosted inside Visual InterDev or any other host that can return a URL builder via IServiceProvider.

Marquee Control

This control has complete property page implementation and shows how to inherit design-time control functionality from a design-time control base class.

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