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Additional Resources

This page lists additional resources to help you with Component Development.

If you don't find what you are looking for in this section, please see the technical assistance overview for other resources that may help you.

Related Books and Magazines

Microsoft Press  Non-MSDN Online Link

Understanding ActiveX and OLE, David Chappell  Non-MSDN Online Link

Inside COM, Dale Rogerson  Non-MSDN Online Link

ActiveX Controls Inside Out, Adam Denning  Non-MSDN Online Link

Survival Guide to Web Site Development, Mary Haggard  Non-MSDN Online Link

Microsoft Internet Developer  Non-MSDN Online Link

Microsoft Systems Journal  Non-MSDN Online Link

Related Web Sites

Microsoft COM Home  Non-MSDN Online Link

W3C HTML 4.0 Specification (Recommendation)  Non-MS link

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