Updated: December 12, 1997
We've gathered a list of sites that use, demonstrate, and contain information about Microsoft Internet technologies.
Please note that these links point to servers that are not under Microsoft's control. Please read Microsoft's official statement regarding other servers.
Active Server
Security technologies
This resource features a control library, a control of the week, and news highlights about ActiveX.
This site was developed by The Pages Online to provide a resource for the "activated" community.
It offers controls, development tools to embellish your Web site, chat, and more. They will review and post your ActiveX control or sample code for you.
ActiveX File Resource
This guide to ActiveX controls is just one of the useful pages on the Active Xsite's Shortcuts -- ActiveX Resources . The site includes galleries, 'zines, and a "Just for Kicks" page.
The ActiveX Working Group
The ActiveX Working Group, comprised of users and stakeholders, has been formed to provide stewardship for the ActiveX standard as it is implemented on multiple platforms and operating systems. The site provides news, press information, and coverage of Working Group meetings.
Windows NT ActiveX Server Bulletin Board
This site uses Active Server Pages extensively and provides forums that cover a variety of technical subjects, an interactive FAQ, links to other technology sites, and a list of current events.
The Active Server Pages FAQ
Along with over 350 answers to frequently asked questions are book reviews, how-to articles, and job opportunities that deal with Active Server pages and Microsoft Internet solutions.
ASP Developer's Site
This site provides an online chat area, an ASP source code library, and a list of ASP consultants.
The 15 Seconds Web site is a complete resource for developers designing Internet solutions with Microsoft Internet technologies.
VBScript Central
A "one-stop clearinghouse" for information on VBScript.
Doc JavaScript
Biweekly JavaScript prescriptions, that are sure to improve your JavaScript health. Shows readers how to utilize the latest JavaScript features.
JavaScript Tip of the Week
They have a tip of the week, a tip repository, and a sample area called "The Hut."
Danny Goodman's Frequently Asked Questions
Danny Goodman is the author of two JavaScript books. In addition to the FAQ, his site has updated book source code that addresses incompatabilities.
Compatibility Issues of Using JavaScript with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0
Support site for the JavaScript Sourcebook, with notes about Internet Explorer 4.0 considerations. The author also publishes a monthly Javascript column for JavaWorld magazine.
This Web site for Internet banking describes the Internet-specific security features of Microsoft Internet Information Server, Windows NT, and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and links to several sites that are implementing these technologies.