Mike Costantino asked if it were possible to have a frame scroll horizontally and not vertically. Mike contacted us three days later with the answer to his question. We made a couple modifications for the purpose of our sample, but the results are the same.
The scrolling of a frame is automatic, as long as you don't set SCROLLING=NO. It is caused by the contents of your page being greater than your frame size. The Table of Contents (TOC) is a great example. On a 640x480 resolution screen, the recommended test resolution, the TOC is longer than the browser window height--and therefore, a scroll bar appears, allowing the viewer to access the rest of the information.
The trick to a horizontally scrolling frame is to ensure that the frame height is set correctly to view the entire content vertically, but to have the content wider than the viewable frame. We accomplished this by creating a table and setting the CELLPADDING to force the table to be wider than the visible width of the frame. Our table looks like this:
<TABLE BORDER COLS=26 CELLPADDING=20> <TR><TD><A HREF="a.htm" TARGET="c2tframe">A</A> <TD><A HREF="b.htm" TARGET="c2tframe">B</A> <TD><A HREF="c.htm" TARGET="c2tframe">C</A> <TD>D<TD>E .................... </TR> </TABLE>
Why do this? Who wants a frame that scrolls horizontally on purpose? For our example, we show what could be a glossary with the horizontal frame being used like a navigation bar. As you can see by our code, we are directing our links to the TARGET "c2tframe", which happens to be our top frame in this example. So be creative and think up your own uses for a horizontally scrolling frame.