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Building E-Commerce Solutions

Sue Ledoux
Based on a presentation by Josh Axelrod and Arnold Blinn
Microsoft Corporation

February 11, 1998

Opportunity, Challenges, and Solutions
   E-Commerce Scenarios
   E-Commerce Challenges and Solutions
Getting Started
   Site Foundation Wizard
   Store Builder Wizard
   Other Tools
Online Retailing
   Engaging Customers (a.k.a. Advertising)
   Transacting with Retail Customers
Corporate Purchasing
   MS Market
Extended Value Chain
   Commerce Interchange Pipeline
   Microsoft Transaction Server Integration
In Summary
Additional Resources


Electronic commerce, or e-commerce, is the process of engaging and transacting with customers and partners online. There are several different applications of e-commerce that include both business-to-business and business-to-consumer scenarios. This article will describe how Microsoft® Site Server, Commerce Edition 3.0 (Site Server Commerce), along with a few related technologies, provides a complete solution for these e-commerce scenarios. Site Server Commerce version 3.0 is currently in beta testing and is available to the public for downloading from the Site Server, Commerce Edition site Non-MSDN Online link.

This article is based on the presentation "E-Commerce Solution," by Josh Axelrod and Arnold Blinn at the Web Tech·Ed Conference, January 25-28, 1998, in Palm Springs, CA. Josh Axelrod and Arnold Blinn are members of the Commerce Server Product Unit at Microsoft. The "Solutions" series of presentations were geared towards demonstrating the use of multiple, complementary, integrated technologies to solve particular business needs.

(Microsoft will present additional Web-related technical-solution sessions in June at Tech·Ed 98 in New Orleans. See the Microsoft Events Non-MSDN Online link site for details and registration information.)

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Opportunity, Challenges, and Solutions

The e-commerce market is a rapidly expanding segment of the computer software market. According to a report by Forrester Research in February 1997, corporate spending on e-commerce systems and applications will go from a few hundred million dollars in 1997 to a projected 3 billion in 2000 -- an increase of over 60 times. In addition to the simple growth in dollars, the market is also expanding in scope. E-commerce used to involve mostly the retailing of goods and services over networks. But now, business-to-business e-commerce is exploding, and this type of e-commerce is expected to account for a major part of the potential growth in the next few years.

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E-Commerce Scenarios

There are three main solution scenarios that utilize e-commerce, and there are multiple e-commerce opportunities at each corporation for each solution:

  1. Online retailing. This is the traditional business-to-consumer retailing, where a single business sells its wares to the general public, typically over the Internet. Most e-commerce activity to date has been focused in this area.

  2. Corporate purchasing. This involves assembling catalog information from multiple suppliers and offering it for purchase through a unified interface. The "customers" are typically corporate employees, so a requisition/approval/departmental charge process replaces the simple selection/payment process of traditional online retailing.

  3. Extended value chain. This is where corporations purchase supplies and parts from suppliers (other corporations). This scenario has a broader scope than corporate purchasing, since it's intra-business commerce. Some systems like this already exist in propriety Value Added Networks (VANs).
We'll cover each of these scenarios in detail later in the article.

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E-Commerce Challenges and Solutions

Doing business over a network presents a number of challenges. Site Server Commerce and other related Microsoft technologies provide solutions to these challenges. The following summarizes the solutions provided for each of the challenges; many of these solutions will be discussed in greater detail later in the article.

Integration with existing systems. Companies can't afford to just throw out their existing systems. Instead, the pipeline architecture, which we'll explain later, makes it easy to integrate with existing systems. Components that interface with legacy systems can be written and inserted at any stage of the processing pipeline.

Cost of deployment. The cost of deploying an e-commerce solution has been brought way down, because Site Server Commerce 3.0 provides a host of tools and wizards to drastically reduce the time to deployment. Further savings are realized through the third-party components that are provided for the open pipeline architecture.

EDI meets the Internet. The Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) format is an existing data format standard used by trading partners to communicate transactions. The Commerce Interchange Pipeline in Site Server Commerce simplifies working with EDI, so you can start to automate the work you do with your partners.

Accepting payment. The Microsoft Open Payment Architecture allows third-parties to easily develop components (called "snap-ins") to handle any kind of payment processing. These components can plug into the Microsoft Wallet as well.

Security concerns. Security over networks is always an issue, and Site Server Commerce 3.0 addresses this by being completely integrated with Windows NT® Security, the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) of the Internet Information Server (IIS), and Microsoft Cryptographic Application Programming Interface (CryptoAPI). Site Server Commerce 3.0 is also compliant with the Secure Electronic Transmission (SET) standard.

"How do I engage my customers?" The 3.0 version of Site Server Commerce adds the tools and technologies required to do rich, accessible advertising, including complete control over serving of ads, targeted advertising (cross-sell, up-sell, intelligent cross-sell, etc.), buy-now, price promotions, and so on.

Scalability. We've taken advantage of the scalability inherent in Windows NT Server, SQL, and IIS. Site Server Commerce 3.0 is also now integrated with Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), which gives you additional scalability.

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Getting Started

Site Server Commerce provides two tools to make the task of creating a commerce site quite straightforward: the Site Foundation Wizard and the Store Builder Wizard.

Site Foundation Wizard

This tool begins the process of creating a commerce site, by setting up the administrative and backend parts of your site. It lets you perform the following tasks:

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Store Builder Wizard

This tool helps to build the Web site for the actual store (in this case, we mean a shopping kind of store, not a data store). The tool can also be accessed at any time after initial build, to change properties of the store site. Having this wizard separate from the Site Foundation Wizard provides an advantage if the site is hosted by an ISP. In this case, the host administrator can run the Site Foundation Wizard to set up the backend components, and the merchant can run the Store Builder Wizard to configure the site. And since all the tools are Web-based, the merchant can run them all remotely.

The Store Builder Wizard walks you through the following steps:

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Other Tools

At this point, you can choose to load sample data into the database and run the store site to test and continue to work on it. Further tasks you might perform include:

All these tools are designed to work together, and turn the creation of a store site into an almost trivial task.

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Online Retailing

The commerce cycle consists of three stages: engage your customer, transact an order, and analyze sales data. In the past, the transaction step has received the lion's share of the focus, but Site Server Commerce 3.0 now provides a rich set of tools to cover all three stages of the commerce cycle:

Engage. New for this release are a number of tools to enable powerful and flexible advertising, promotions, cross-sell, buy-now, and customer targeting and personalization.

Transact. The core of the earlier versions, this order capture stage is now integrated with transaction systems, and has a much richer pipeline architecture and editing tools.

Analyze. Track sales activity, user activity, profiles, and preferences. Also includes site management functionality.

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Engaging Customers (a.k.a. Advertising)

Retail commerce sites share the goal of attracting and retaining customers. This goal generally can be divided into two phases:

  1. Attract the customer to the site. This is usually done outside of the merchant's site, and involves fairly traditional advertising.
  2. Attract the customer to the purchase. This is accomplished using techniques like targeted advertising (e.g., cross-selling, up-selling, intelligent cross-selling), promotions (e.g., sale price, quantity discount, two-for-one), buy-now (allows encapsulated purchases on other sites), and so on. With the exception of buy-now, this phase usually takes place on the merchant's site.
Site Server Commerce includes a new Advertising Architecture to help with engaging customers. The Advertising Architecture looks like this:

Advertising Architecture in Site Server Commerce

The Ad Manager is a powerful tool that lets you select and configure your advertising and promotion campaigns. There are a multitude of options to customize your campaigns; some examples of what you can do include:

The Ad Server is the component (a COM object) that lives on each server that is serving the site. It accesses ad content (based on the options set in the Ad Manager) from the ad database and serves it up to the Web site. It also stores a certain amount of data locally to avoid performance degradation from constant database accesses.

Site Server Commerce also includes analysis tools that are used to generate reports about ad performance, such as number of clicks, click rates, number of ads shown, and so on. This data can then be used to refine future advertising campaigns.

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Transacting with Retail Customers

The second part of the commerce cycle is the transaction phase, where the customer makes an actual purchase. Let's look at the following online retailing architecture diagram to see how Site Server Commerce implements this phase:

Online Retailing Architecture in Site Server Commerce

There are several interesting parts of the transaction process worth discussing: the Microsoft Wallet, pipelines, and the order form architecture.

Microsoft Wallet

The Microsoft Wallet is an ActiveX® control or a Netscape plug-in that encapsulates and saves customer information (such as name, address, credit card number), so that the user doesn't have to type it in every time. This adds convenience and consistency to the purchasing experience. The Wallet also transmits the information to the server in a secure way. The information that is transmitted looks just like a standard HTTP post, so any server can read the information, not just Site Server Commerce. It is freely available on the Web, as well as being bundled with Internet Explorer 4.0, Windows® 98 and Windows 2000, and is already in use by Site Server Commerce and other systems like Intershop and Mercantec.


Pipelines are one of the most useful features of Site Server Commerce and provide a flexible way to represent a business process. The pipeline architecture models a business process (e.g., a product order) into a framework consisting of a number of stages, each stage representing a discrete operation on a business object (e.g., an order form). At each stage, one or more specialized components operate on the object, then pass it to the next stage in the pipeline.

Fixed pipelines existed in Site Server Commerce 2.0, but version 3.0 allows customers to build their own pipelines. Site Server Commerce starts you out with 14 predefined stages for the order pipeline:

Product Information
Merchant Information
Shopper Information
Order Initialization
Order Check
Item Price
Item Price Adjustment
Order Price Adjustment
Inventory Adjustment

The pipeline architecture is extremely flexible. While Site Server Commerce ships an order pipeline initially configured with these stages, merchants can add or remove any stage if necessary. For example, if they wanted to add the capability for adding a gift message to a purchase, the merchant could add another stage in the pipeline to check if there was a gift message, and if so, validate the message and add a charge for it.

Another facet of the flexibility is in the components that process each stage. Site Server Commerce ships with a set of default components. However, there are also over 50 third parties providing components for many of the stages. For example, instead of a shipping component that simply calculates the shipping charge as a percentage of the order total, you can have a much more complex component that offers multiple shipping methods (e.g., ground or air) and calculates exact shipping costs based on shipping option and weight of the products.

Furthermore, all of the interfaces used to create a component are documented, so merchants can easily write their own components to even further customize their order pipeline.

Order form architecture

We mentioned that an order form is an example of a business object on which the components of a pipeline operate. The order form in Site Server Commerce is simply an object that contains key-value pairs. The values can, in turn, point to lists of more key-value pairs. An illustration works best here:

Order Form Architecture in Site Server Commerce

Neither the order form object nor the underlying database have predefined schema associated with them; they are totally flexible, so the merchant can adapt to the needs of any products by adding additional key-value pairs.

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The third part of the commerce cycle is analysis. Good analysis will help you understand customer and partner purchase and usage data, and factor in changes to maximize the return on investment on your commerce site or application. A number of different analysis options exist in Site Server Commerce to give you usage, content, customer, and order analysis, with flexible reporting options for all.

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Corporate Purchasing

We've already talked a lot about online retailing, and mentioned at the beginning that it was the more traditional use to date of Site Server Commerce. We also talked about rapidly growing newer applications for e-commerce and Site Server Commerce, such as corporate purchasing scenarios (where employees requisition parts and supplies within a corporation).

While, in many ways, corporate purchasing is a similar application to online retailing, there are some key differences. For example, credit card payments are replaced by cost center allocations. Requisition approval workflow needs to be added into the pipeline. Multiple catalogs need to be combined to present order choices. Submission formats can be more flexible (mail, fax, HTTP). And at the backend of the system, instead of an order operating on a local inventory, a whole new pipeline (the interchange pipeline) is accessed, as the requisitioned items are obtained from suppliers. (More on that end of it in the next section.) Once again, the pipeline architecture plays a hand in easily providing the flexibility needed to support these differences from the online retailing solution.

Here's a look at the architecture of the corporate purchasing solution:

Corporate Purchasing Architecture in Site Server Commerce

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MS Market

MS Market is a corporate purchasing application we built at Microsoft using Site Server Commerce. It is a very high-volume application, processing thousands of orders a day and $1.6 billion per year. The benefits realized include lowered procurement costs, a speedier requisition process, and improved business controls. This application now ships with Site Server Commerce and is a fully-operational system that can form the foundation of your own corporate purchasing solution.

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Extended Value Chain

The Extended Value Chain refers to the business-to-business chain of transactions that might occur, for example, when a company orders supplies from a supplier (who may in turn order supplies from other suppliers). This makes extensive use of something that's new in Site Server Commerce 3.0 -- the commerce interchange pipeline.

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Commerce Interchange Pipeline

The commerce interchange pipeline provides a flexible framework to send data from one trading partner to another. That data can be sent in a variety of formats (such as XML or EDI) over a variety of transports (such as HTTP, SMTP, DCOM, EDI VANs). Once again, the use of the pipeline architecture means that new formats and transports can easily be added in the future.

The architecture of the commerce interchange pipeline is very similar to that of the order pipeline. In this case, there are actually two pipelines, one to send and one to receive.

Commerce Interchange Pipelines in Site Server Commerce

Just like the order pipeline, the commerce interchange pipeline represents a business process. In this case, the stages of the pipeline contain things like map data, sign, encrypt, transmit, and audit. Like the order pipeline, each of these stages has a component that operates on the business object (in this case, a packet of data that the trading partners share), and these components are completely customizable.

Microsoft is participating in Value Chain Initiative (VCI), a consortium of over 100 partners dedicated to building applications that work up and down the value chain. We've recently demonstrated 12 applications that work together using the commerce interchange pipeline.

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Microsoft Transaction Server Integration

An important characteristic of pipelines in Site Server Commerce 3.0 is that they are now integrated with the Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) architecture. This means that the entire pipeline can now be transacted as a single operation. This is important in many instances where the integrity of the process must be maintained. For example, you don't want your inventory debited until the credit card is approved. MTS gives Site Server Commerce a transaction language, as well as some load balancing features.

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In Summary

We've dealt with a few key themes relating to the use of Site Server Commerce in creating an e-commerce solution. The first theme consists of the three important stages in the commerce cycle: engage the customer, transact the order, and analyze the results. Site Server Commerce has a rich set of tools to help you manage all three phases. The second theme is that Site Server Commerce is well-suited for at least three distinct solution categories: traditional online retailing, which is a business-to-consumer solution, and two business-to-business solutions -- corporate purchasing and the extended value chain. Site Server Commerce provides full support (especially with its flexible pipeline architecture, and the corresponding third-party component development) to create all of these solution scenarios.

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