Microsoft Corporation
Updated July 2, 1999
The following Microsoft Agent Download Button is provided to you by Microsoft for the sole purpose of providing access for downloading the Core Components Microsoft supplies for Microsoft Agent. Your use of the Microsoft Agent Download Button is subject to the following guidelines.
- You may only display the Microsoft Agent Download Button on your Web site, and not in any other manner. It must always be an active link to the download link on the Microsoft Agent Web site, Or, if you have a valid Microsoft Agent Distribution License Agreement, it can be an active link to the server where you provide the msagent.exe self install executable.
- The Button GIF includes the word "Get" describing the significance of the Button on your site, i.e., the Button is a link to Microsoft, not an endorsement of your Web site. You may not remove or alter this, or any other element of the Button.
- You may only display the Button on a Web page that makes accurate references to Microsoft or its products or services, and must display it adjacent to the reference or at the bottom of the same page. You Web page title and other trademarks and logos must appear at least as prominent as the Button. You may not display the Button in any manner that implies affiliation with, sponsorship, endorsement, or license by Microsoft.
- The Button must appear by itself, with a minimum spacing (the height of the Button) between each side of the Button and other graphic or textual elements on your Web page. The Button may not be used as a feature or design element in any materials.
- You may not alter the Button in any manner, including size, proportions, colors, elements, etc., or animate, morph or otherwise distort its perspective or appearance.
- You may not display the Button on any site that disparages Microsoft or its products or services, infringes any Microsoft intellectual property or other rights, or violates any state, federal or international law.
- These polices do not grant a license or any other right in Microsoft's logos or trademarks. Microsoft reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or modify your permission to display the Button at any time. Microsoft reserves the right to take action against any user that does not conform to these policies, infringes any Microsoft intellectual property or other right, or violates other applicable law.
- Microsoft disclaims any warranties that may be expressed or implied by law regarding the Button, including warranties against infringement.
You are only authorized to use the Microsoft Agent Download Button for a Web site that uses validly licensed copies of Microsoft Agent. Your use of Microsoft Agent and any of its components are subject to the Microsoft Agent End User License Agreement. If you do not have a valid license for Microsoft Agent, you are not authorized to use the Microsoft Agent Download Button. Use of the Microsoft Agent Download Button does not convey to you any additional rights to use Microsoft Agent or any of its components other than those described here.
Any use of the Microsoft Agent Download Button implies that you agree to, and are in compliance with, all the aforementioned conditions and guidelines.
Additional information on licensing or use of Microsoft Agent can be found here.
Right-click on the image below to download. When using on your Web site, the <IMAGE> tag can be formatted thus:
<IMG SRC="btn_getagent.gif" WIDTH="87" HEIGHT="37" BORDER="0" ALT="Microsoft Agent Download Button">