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Microsoft Agent HTML Samples

Microsoft Corporation

October 1998

These HTML pages demonstrate how to use Microsoft Agent from Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) or JScript® on a Web page. You can browse a sample by clicking its link below. Each sample will attempt to install its required components if they are not already installed. These samples download their character animations from, so you must be connected to the Internet. You need to be running Microsoft® Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT® 4.0(x86), and Internet Explorer 3.02 or later to download and run the samples.

For samples that you can download, install, and run locally, see Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Java Samples.

Hello World (VBScript)
Illustrates using Microsoft Agent on a Web page in HTML and VBScript.
Requires: Agent Core Components, Text-To-Speech Engine. Level: Basic.

Hello World (JScript)
Illustrates using Microsoft Agent on a Web page in HTML and JScript.
Requires: Agent Core Components, Text-To-Speech Engine. Level: Basic.

Goodbye World
Demonstrates scripting a Microsoft Agent character to respond to voice commands on a Web page.
Requires: Agent Core Components, Text-To-Speech Engine, Speech Recognition Engine. Level: Basic.

Character Viewer
Demonstrates enumerating the animations in a character file, detecting a specific version of Agent, and using RequestStart and RequestComplete events. This sample can open a specified character file (.acf format) and play any of the animations contained therein.
Requires: Agent Core Components, Internet Explorer 4.0. Level: Intermediate.

Peedy's Pizza Palace
A speech enabled Web page that demonstrates managing speech input in parallel with direct manipulation.
Requires: Agent Core Components, Text-To-Speech Engine, Speech Recognition Engine. Level: Advanced.

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