Quick Tips provided by Inside Microsoft FrontPage, a ZD Journals publication. Click here for a free issue . To receive the Tip of the Week in e-mail, click here
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a Web standard supported primarily by the "version 4" browsers. It lets you control dozens of aspects of your pages' appearance.
One easy thing you can do with CSS is change the font and colors of your form buttons. To do so, first insert a button as you ordinarily would. Then, right-click on the button and choose Form Field Properties... from the context menu. Click the Style... button to open the Style dialog box.
To change the font of the button caption, switch to the Font page of the dialog and choose a new font from the Primary Font dropdown list. (You should also choose a "generic" secondary font, such as sans-serif, in case your primary font is not available on the user's machine.) To change the color scheme, switch to the Colors page. The foreground color you choose here will be the text color; the background color will be the color of the button itself. Click OK twice to return to your page.
Since CSS hasn't been universally adopted, your results will vary. However, older browsers should simply ignore your specifications and style the button as usual.