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Version Compatibility

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FrontPage 98 Client and FrontPage 97 Server Extensions

Channel Definition Format (CDF) Wizard If you are authoring with the FrontPage 98 client using the FrontPage 97 Server Extensions, the CDF Wizard will not add a "subscribe button" to your navigation bars in your FrontPage 98 Web pages.

The simplest work-around for this is to add a normal hyperlink from a page in your FrontPage 98-based Web site to your channel definition file (.CDF)--thus making this file available to users via the hyperlink.

If you are authoring using FrontPage 98 Extensions, and then publishing to a server with FrontPage 97 Extensions, then the button will be added correctly if you choose to "Publish the FrontPage Web as is, for browsing but not for authoring." See further limitations that FrontPage 97 Extensions have with Navigation Bars documented below.

Text on Images This feature will appear correctly in the FrontPage 98 Editor but will not be visible to a browser or to a FrontPage 97 Editor.
Themes, Shared Borders, Image Bullets, Navigation Structure, and Page Banners. Themes will not be available if you are authoring (using FrontPage 98 Client) directly on a Web server using the FrontPage 97 Server Extensions. When publishing a FrontPage 98 Web site to a Web server that is using the FrontPage 97 Server Extensions, you will be offered a choice of two options:
  1. To Publish the FrontPage Web without these unsupported features, for browsing and editing.  This will downgrade your Web, which will remove advanced features: (Navigation Structure, Themes, Shared Borders, Image Bulleted Lists).
  2. To publish the FrontPage Web as is, for browsing but not for authoring.   This will preserve the appearance and functionality of the features when viewed by the browser, but you will not be able to edit the Web hosted on the server with the FrontPage 97 Server Extensions with your FrontPage 98 Client. When your Web Presence Provider (WPP) later upgrades to FrontPage 98 Server Extensions, you may simply re-publish the Web to your WPP's server in order to restore its full FrontPage 98 functionality.

If you insert Navigation Bars or Page Banners in the main body region of a FrontPage 98 Web page (rather than in a shared border region of the page), the Navigation Bars and Page Banners will not appear correctly when you publish the page to a server on which the FrontPage 1.1 or 97 Server Extensions are installed.

Database Connectivity You may not incorporate any Active Server Pages (.ASP) Database Region (created by the FrontPage 98 Database Connection Wizard) into any Web site hosted on a server with running the FrontPage 97 Server Extensions..

If you save or publish a FrontPage 98 database page to a server running the FrontPage 97 Server Extensions, that page will no longer function.  Thus, regardless of the server you are using), the ASP code will be stripped out and thrown away. This happens because FrontPage 98 uses "client-side" FrontPage components (also known as "WebBot components") to create the ASP database regions (which have no server-side components), whereas earlier versions of  FrontPage assume all FrontPage components have at least a server side expand function.

FrontPage 98 Client and FrontPage 1.1 Server Extensions.

Office File Links Links from HTML pages to Office Documents are tracked in the FrontPage 98 Client when using the FrontPage 1.1 Server Extensions, but links coming out of Office 97 documents are not tracked, which means they're not shown in the FrontPage 98 client.
Visual SourceSafe(VSS) Integration
Not Available
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Support
Not Available
Windows NT Challenge/
(NTLM) User Authentication Support
You will not automatically be logged in to the web server.  Rather, you will be prompted for a FrontPage username and password. The FrontPage 1.1 Server Extensions use Basic Authentication, which is less secure than NTLM.
Database Connectivity Internet Database Connector (.IDC) files (created by the FrontPage 97 IDC Wizard) are not supported via the FrontPage 1.1 Server Extensions.

Also, you may not incorporate any Active Server Pages (.ASP) Database Region created by the FrontPage 98 Database Connection Wizard into any Web site hosted on a server with the FrontPage 1.1 Server Extensions on it.

If you save or publish a FrontPage 98 database page to a server running the FrontPage1.1 Server Extensions, that page will no longer function.  Thus, regardless of the server you are using), the ASP code will be stripped out and thrown away. This happens because FrontPage 98 uses "clientside" FrontPage components (also known as "WebBot components") to create the ASP database regions (which have no server-side components), whereas earlier versions of  FrontPage assume all FrontPage components have at least a server side expand function.

Search Forms FrontPage Search Forms (when using the FrontPage 1.1 Server Extensions) do not use Internet Information Server (IIS) Content Indexing service.
Setting Permissions with Internet Information Server (IIS) You may set permissions for a Web site published via the FrontPage 1.1 Server Extensions, but the FrontPage 1.1 Server Extensions will return different permissions formats (Administrators/Authors/etc.) rather than the newer Users/Groups returned by the FrontPage 98 Server Extensions.

When using IIS with the FrontPage 1.1 Server Extensions, you will see permissions for all users and groups on the Users tab. The Groups tab will be blank. If you click on the Add button in the Users tab, the Windows NT Domain User List will not be used. The list of available users will be populated based on the server's frontpg.ini settings. Permissions on non-Microsoft servers work the same regardless of the version of the FrontPage Server Extensions being used.

Form Field Validation When working on forms built using the FrontPage 98 Client (via the FrontPage 1.1 Server Extensions), Field Validation will only enforce the maximum-length parameter for the form field.
Long Directory Names Not Available in any FrontPage Web using the FrontPage 1.1 Server Extensions.
Directory Support You may rename folders in-place in the FrontPage 98 Client, but the links to pages in the renamed folders (and their subfolders) will not be updated automatically by the FrontPage 1.1 Server Extensions. These will become broken hyperlinks and will appear as such in the FrontPage 98 Client after the rename. Additionally, you may not delete folders when using the FrontPage 98 Client with the FrontPage 1.1 Server Extensions.
International Characters Multiple character set support is not available via the FrontPage 1.1 Server Extensions. Only Windows 1252 is supported by the FrontPage 1.1 Server Extensions.

FrontPage 97 Client and a Web Using FrontPage 98 Server Extensions

Active Elements and FrontPage Components Active Elements and FrontPage components in a FrontPage 98 Web page will remain intact when that page is opened using the FrontPage 97 Client.  These elements, however, will appear in the FrontPage 97 Editor as Java applets or WebBot components and most will not be supported by the same custom user interface (that appears when editing them using the FrontPage 98 Client).
Image Bullets The FrontPage 97 Client will display image bullets as tables with images in them. Be careful when editing pages that implement this feature, because changes to the tables may result in incorrect appearance of the bulleted lists.
Themes When you open a FrontPage 98 "Themed" page using the FrontPage 97 Client, this page will appear "un-Themed" in the FrontPage 97 Editor, but if you open that same page in a Web browser (using the FrontPage 97 Client's Preview in Browser feature), you will see that the page's Theme remains intact. If you wish to modify the FrontPage 98 Theme settings (across an entire FrontPage 98 Web site on or any individual Web page), you will need to do so using the FrontPage 98 Client.
Text On Images The text placed over any image in a FrontPage 98 Web page will not appear when that page is opened for editing in the FrontPage 97 Editor. No editing of text on images is supported by the FrontPage 97 Client.
Text Animation When using the FrontPage 97 Client, the Dynamic HTML (DHTML) code (used to animate the text in FrontPage 98) will appear as JavaScript.

The actual text (on which the animation effect has been placed) will appear similarly in both the FrontPage 97 Editor and the FrontPage 98 Editor Normal tab.

In the FrontPage 97 Editor, you will not be able to Preview the animated text unless you open the page in your browser (since there's no Preview tab in the FrontPage 97 Editor like there is in the FrontPage 98 Editor). You may, however, edit within any of the "animated" text using the FrontPage 97 Client, and the text animation will still work when viewed in your Web browser.

Database Connectivity FrontPage 97 Internet Database Connector (.IDC) files are still supported by the FrontPage 98 Server Extensions.
Style Sheets No style attributes are available via the FrontPage 97 Editor. Style attributes (placed on any text in a FrontPage 98 Web page) may not be preserved when that page is opened and that text is edited using the FrontPage 97 Editor.
Form Field Validation The FrontPage 97 client will not be able to specify Form Field validation on a FrontPage 98 web.

FrontPage 98 and Browser Compatibility Issues.

Text Animation, Collapsible Outlines, and Page Transitions You will only be able to view these DHTML features (either via the FrontPage 98 Editor's Preview Tab or when browsing to the Web page) if you have Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 4.0 installed on your machine.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) If you don't haveMicrosoft Internet Explorer 4.0 installed on your machine, you will not be able to use FrontPage 98 Editor's Preview tab to view the following CSS formats: color and image backgrounds on tables and in table cells, white space controls or font controls.

These formats may only be viewed via your Web browser if you have a 4.0 version Web browser.

Form Field Extensions Tab-ordering, short-cut keys, and labels are only obeyed by the Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 browser.
Channel Definition Files (.CDF)



In order to use the Channels (.CDF files) created by the FrontPage Channel Definition Wizard (or any other .CDF channels), you must use either Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0, Netcaster, or PointCast 2.0.

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