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Wizards You Can Build

Beta 1 Release

May 1997

Wizards are small applications that you design and construct to streamline repetitive tasks or to perform difficult tasks for your users. When a user launches your wizard, a series of panes appears on the screen. These panes contain instructions for the user along with text boxes, drop-down lists, and other mechanisms for the user to make choices and offer input. The wizard uses the code you have inserted into it to collect this input from the user and to complete a specific task. The Web Wizard SDK provides tools and instructions for you to construct four types of wizards.

There are three types of wizards included in Visual InterDev™. These established wizards are good models for the developer who wants to get an idea of what is possible.

The following table lists the wizard types, along with the names of the Visual InterDev wizards of that type, and the method of launching that type of wizard.

Wizard Type Visual InterDev Wizard Names To Launch
Site wizard Departmental Site Wizard
New Database Wizard
Sample Application Wizard
Web Project Wizard
From the Visual InterDev File menu, choose New.

On the Project tab, select the wizard you want to launch.

File wizard Data Form Wizard
Template Page Wizard
From the Visual InterDev File menu, choose New.

On the File Wizards tab, select the wizard you want to launch.
HTML wizard Data Range Wizard Right click the location on your page where you want the wizard-generated content.

From the Shortcut menu, choose Using HTML Wizards, and then select the wizard you want to launch.

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