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Web Wizard SDK Components

Beta 1 Release

May 1997

When you install the Web Wizard SDK, you will find the Web Wizard Builder on the Add-Ins menu of Microsoft® Visual Basic® 5.0. The SDK contains all the elements you need to build wizards of the four types described in Wizards You Can Build using Visual Basic and the Web Wizard Builder. We strongly recommend that you work with the builder in Visual Basic 5.0 because it will enable you to use the advanced features built into the SDK. You can, however, develop a wizard in any language that supports the construction of OLE Automation servers. For more information, see Appendix F, "Building a Wizard Manually," in the SDK documentation.

The following table shows the components of the Web Wizard Development SDK.

Component Where to find it
The Web Wizard Builder, a wizard that will construct a Visual Basic project for your wizard. Visual Basic 5.0 Add-Ins menu
A set of sample site wizards that you can use as models for your own wizards and from which you can copy code as you flesh out your wizard:

Departmental Site, a comprehensive wizard that builds an entire site for a department in a corporation.

SomeWizard, a very simple wizard that creates one Web page with the legend, "Hello World," and copies the page to your server. The code for SomeWizard is the generic code that the Web Wizard Builder places into your wizard as you build it.
If you have Visual InterDev™ installed, you can get to these samples by choosing New from the File menu. They will be listed on the Projects tab.

You can also find them in the Samples directory of Visual InterDev. If you have not installed Visual InterDev, you can run the samples from DebugIt. See the section, "Debugging Your Wizard," in the SDK documentation for more information.
The Wizard Object Model, the API (Application Program Interface) that you will use to access all information about the Web server and ODBC databases, as well as the internal wizard components. Appendix A of the SDK documentation

A set of shared components your users will need in order to run your wizard.

The Shared directory in the ISWFrame directory
A set of tools that help you with various aspects of wizard construction:

DebugIt, a simple testing harness that allows you to easily launch wizards so that you can debug them or just take a look at them.

Pane Manager, which enables you to switch between panes when you are working with your wizard form in design mode.
For the DebugIt tool, double-click DebugIt.exe in the Tools directory of Visual InterDev.

Pane Manager is available from the Add-Ins menu of Visual Basic 5.0.

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