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Web Wizard SDK Download

Beta 1 Release

May 1997

The Microsoft® Web Wizard SDK Beta 1, available for free downloading below, allows you to create wizards that automatically publish content to a Web server and that create FrontPage™ 97 and Visual InterDev™ Web projects based on that content.

System requirements:

Download/setup instructions:

The file provided for downloading above is a self-extracting, self-installing zip file. After downloading WizSDK.EXE to your system:

  1. Run WizSDK.EXE to start setup.
  2. Follow the setup instructions on your screen.
  3. Open the Web Wizard SDK README file from the Windows® 95 Start menu to review important information about the SDK.

Downloading the Web Wizard SDK:

DownloadDownload Web Wizard SDK Beta 1 release (self-extracting zip file, 3.29 MB, dated May 9, 1997).

Accessing the Web Wizard Builder:

If Visual Basic 5.0 was already installed on your system before you installed the SDK, the Web Wizard Builder automatically appears on the Add-Ins menu. You can launch the Web Wizard Builder by simply selecting it from the menu. If you installed the SDK before you installed Visual Basic 5.0, the add-in will not immediately appear on the Add-Ins menu of Visual Basic. To install the Web Wizard Builder manually:

  1. Open the VBAddin.ini file located in the Windows (winnt if you’re using Windows NT) directory.
  2. Insert the following items into the file under the [Add-Ins32] key:


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